30 days to be a better leader. Why, you might wonder. Research shows that it takes 30 days to form a new habit. So, why not form a new leadership habits one every day. Receive an email every day for 30 days, read it and act on it. Every day. It only takes a few minutes and the discipline to actually do it. Make it part of your morning routine or promise yourself to not finish out the day unless you have read and acted on your daily email.
We are living in uncertain and complex times. We need better leadership at all levels. It’s time to step up for everyone. We can’t successfully navigate through climate change, artificial intelligence and a changing work landscape without great leadership. It’s up to you to invest 30 days into yourself to become a better leader. Not only will you benefit, but your family and friends, your team and your organization will benefit. It’s a prerequisite to citizen successfully moving forward.

Learn how to:
• prioritize better
• delegate better
• reflect and gain insights
• be a better listener
• be more innovative
• be clear on what truly is most important to you
• make better decisions
• lead yourself and other through change more effectively
and so much more. Invest 30 days in yourself to be a better leader.