2024 – A Year of Completion and Detachment
Now: What I’m up to
The year 2024 has been a year of deep introspection for me.
Who am I and what do I want? What does this third act look like for me?
Avalanche training in the California Sierras, a blown tire in Death Valley, swamps encountered while hiking across Norway and last but most importantly my son’s wedding in Denmark shifted my mindset and outlook on life this year.
There was an acceptance of what is and what I cannot change. And at the same time a clarity on what I can change and still want to engage in and move forward with.
A beginner again…
I have started to spread my wings a bit. I’m a beginner again with my art projects and my other creative endeavors that are so freeing. In the past I had explored my creativity with writing and my work, but it had become a bit stale, to be honest. I had hit a wall.
However, I found that being creative in other ways has allowed me to be a beginner again and be humble of what I don’t know. There is lots of resistance along the way that I need to work through. And I am finding that I am not attached to the outcome. I simply enjoy the process of creating and marveling at what the outcome is becoming.
It’s sort of like coaching — I never know where that journey with my clients will take us. But the process of co-creating and the wonder of what transpires is exhilarating.
In the process of creating in other areas I have discovered that I can apply the learnings to my professional life and it is totally exciting again. Who knew? Stay tuned to what I am creating for 2025. I can see a lot more collaborative efforts and fun.
Fears and opportunities
The world is changing in front of our eyes. Fears are running high. Opportunities abound as well, though. So what if we engage with heart and soul? Not with driving change but by being witnesses to what is unfolding. Clearly no one knows how the journey will unfold. But it could be a hell of a ride.
I am committed to engage in community as best I can, as a member, an organizer and a witness. Our monthly neighborhood ‘Stammtisch’ gatherings are part of the process. Let’s see what transpires.
That’s where I am now.
I’d love to hear what you are up to. Tell me what’s up for you here. I read and respond to all comments.
Updated December 12, 2024 from Monterey, California.