Executive Leadership is imperative. Most everybody wants to succeed in a career. It’s not a secret. Moving up the ladder by getting higher paying jobs and promotions and staying out of trouble is easier said than done though.
Executive Development
Have you ever noticed how you go to a seminar and get all fired up to make changes only to be pulled back into your same, old patterns of life?
The seminar taught you what to do and how to do it, but actually getting it done requires something more. You return home to daily life, previous habits come back, reality sets in, and your excitement dwindles until the project no longer gets done.
You’re not alone. It’s the same reason people don’t follow through on New Year’s resolutions, keep the weight off after dieting, or exercise regularly to maintain health.
There’s a massive gap between knowing what you should do and walking-the-talk by actually getting it done. It’s a universal problem.
Executive development provides a group of education, tools, and support specifically designed to bridge the gap between knowing what to do and getting it done. You expand your knowledge, awareness and develop effective action creating the tangible results you desire.

Below are 5 key ways executive development helps you…
Focus on Conversational Intelligence Instead of How-To Techniques
Pure knowledge in the form of facts and how-to information is not enough to produce results.
How-to information in the hands of a success builder is like tools to a carpenter – they’re important but not sufficient. A master craftsman can build a beautiful home with rudimentary tools, but somebody lacking carpentry skills can barely throw a shack together with the best tools. The key is not the tools, but the carpenter’s skill.
The same is true with success and fulfillment. We all have access to the same tools and how-to instruction; yet, some people become fabulously successful while others flounder in mediocracy. The difference is the leadership skill.
Leadership qualities are the cause, success is the effect, and how-to tools are just a mechanism for implementation. Unfortunately, most educators provide how-to instruction when it is not the critical factor to success.
You intuitively know this is true because the libraries and internet are filled with more business and success how-to instruction then you could implement in a lifetime – yet you are successful but still not fulfilled so it can’t be from a lack of information. The missing skill is how to implement that information. You need to know how to integrate the information into your life so that you produce results. That’s the golden key.
Gurus sell you “how-to” seminars and consultants sell you consulting products. Both are just tools. What you need is the transformational technology to put those tools to good use. You need to become a master craftsman at building success the way you define it, because you can’t make proper use of better tools until you first develop the skills to use them properly.
Executive coaching is the only educational resource that helps you develop greater executive leadership skills and conversational intelligence so that you can apply the tools everybody else sells with greater effectiveness. It’s the reason why executive development is so important.
The Importance of Accountability, Support, and Process Coaching
Everybody wants the life of their dreams fulfilled and happy, but most people lack the discipline to follow through with enough persistence to reach the goal.
Life gets in the way. The car needs to be repaired, the kids have soccer practice, and you’re tired after a long day at work. You barely have time to go to the bathroom – not to mention get fulfilled.
Your health, wealth and happiness are a function of your habits. It doesn’t take more time to become fulfilled… just more focus. Executive coaching is the only resource that provides weekly support and accountability to stay focused on the daily habits and small actions that add up to your dream life.
In addition, as you increase focus and begin producing results then road-blocks and obstacles surface on your path to your freedom. Process coaching helps you breakthrough these barriers and overcome the personal obstacles that hold you back from greater success.
Process coaching is another tool that you will only find with executive coaching, and when combined with accountability forms a one-two punch that is critical to knocking down all obstacles that stand between you and success.
A Different Kind of Success Plan
Building success, the way you define it, without a plan is like driving across the country without a map. You’ll eventually get somewhere, but it won’t be where you want, and you won’t arrive by the most efficient route.
A properly designed success plan improves your effectiveness by providing a context for all important life decisions. This creates focused, consistent action so that your success is transformed from a question of “if” to the certainty of “when”.
The key to your success plan’s effectiveness is the design. It must take into account your unique skills, abilities, interests, and resources in order for you to succeed with it. It must include all of the components of a fulfilled life – work, relationships, money, well-being, and it must incorporate proven success building principles. Generic success plans similar to what most consultants provide don’t do the trick and usually just collect dust on the shelf. You need a working plan.
You’ll know if you have a properly designed success plan because freedom will be transformed from fantasy-land to realistic probability. You can see how it will happen as you work toward it each day because it is engineered right before your eyes and reduced down to weekly and monthly actions steps so that you know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how it all fits together to produce the result.
Your success plan is another executive coaching advantage. It creates a clear purpose to all action thus eliminating waste and confusion. The result is increased persistence so that you follow-through until you reach the goal.
Executive Coaching Provides Executive Leadership with an Accelerated Learning Environment
According to Benjamin Franklin, “There are two ways to acquire wisdom; you can either buy it or borrow it. By buying it, you pay full price in terms of time and cost to learn the lessons you need to learn. By borrowing it, you go to the men and women who have already paid the price to learn the lesson and get the wisdom from them.”
When you hire an executive coach you benefit from the expertise of someone who is ahead of you on the same path and has valuable experience to share. You save years of time and thousands of dollars in mistakes by avoiding obvious pitfalls and traps on the path to your success.
In addition, you benefit from the experience of all the coaching clients who have walked the path to success before you. Your executive coach learns from each client thus improving his skills and knowledge base so you are benefiting from experience multiplied to the nth power.
Nobody lives long enough to learn everything necessary to become an expert in every field. Executive coaching provides a faster and more efficient path to success and fulfillment by studying from an expert who has already walked the talk and coached others to do the same.
This accelerated learning environment saves you time and money providing another key executive coaching advantage.
Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.
Pete Carroll
Executive Coaching Provides Success Education Without Conflicts of Interest
It’s hard to make the right decision when you get the wrong information.
That’s why another executive coaching advantage is unbiased success education. To illustrate this point I share a fun little story about a fictional character named Bob as he tries to build success and grow his human intelligence…
Once upon a time, there lived a man named Bob who wanted to become successful and fulfilled. The only problem was he didn’t know how to start or get the education he needed.The obvious starting point was Bob’s mentor but all she wanted to do was tell him what she had done to be successful. The mentor didn’t get paid to educate Bob. She was in the business of giving advice based on her own experience – not helping him figure out what would work for him.
When Bob turned to the media he discovered the articles and programming were developed by professional writers – not experienced success builders – and they were written for entertainment value instead of usable, actionable advice. Bob was surprised by this until he learned the media was in business to maximize advertising and subscription revenues, and this objective was achieved by entertaining people – not educating them. The media is in the entertainment business to maximize their own profits – not the education business to help Bob become successful.
When Bob turned to his friends and family he found they had a lot of advice to offer, but no practical experience or proven results to back up their opinions. They weren’t success experts with his passion and values and could not be relied upon.
Then Bob turned to proven experts where he found apparent knowledge but endless conflicts of interest. University professors sensationalized content in an effort to promote their latest books, and well-known successful executives would tout their current success stories in the media to try and boost their own EGO. The information was marketing motivated and could not be relied upon either.
All Bob wanted to do was grow his human intelligence so that he could build his own success; yet, everywhere he looked for insights he found massive conflicts of interest. All of these sources were more interested in making themselves feel and look good rather than helping Bob build his own success.
The key point to this story is to demonstrate how nearly every source of information available to you about how to live your dream life, be successful on your terms and be free is layered with conflicts of interest tainting the quality of advice you receive.
You live in a world of information overflow where much of it is best avoided because each provider has something to sell besides education thus creating a hidden conflict of interest.
Your executive coach separates church and state by selling only custom tailored education designed to help you be successful on your terms. That’s what you pay me for. I’ve sorted through mountains of educational resources and dead-end ideas so you don’t have to. I’ve spent a lifetime separating the wheat from the chaff and distilled it all down to a single, consistent, step-by-step plansaving you time, hassle, and money.
It is another key executive coaching advantage.
What All Executive Coaching Advantages Share in Common
While I could go on and on providing a lengthy list of executive coaching advantages, there’s no need because my clients already did it here and the central theme should be readily apparent…
Executive coaching provides an integrated learning environment to help you bridge the gap between knowing what to do (external process) and actually getting it done (internal process). It is the only educational resource that integrates both the internal and external issues required for creating success and fulfillment into a single, cohesive blueprint.
The external level is all the how-to instruction, techniques, and tools that are “external” to you. You will acquire this knowledge either during executive coaching or from sources outside of executive coaching.
The internal level is how you process all this information, integrate it into gaining clarity, making decisions, leading others and taking action to attain a fulfilled and successful life. Executive coaching is your only source for this level of knowledge.
Most importantly, executive coaching is the only source that integrates both internal and external success building skills into a comprehensive, step-by-step blueprint designed to transform your wealth building goals from a dream into reality.
The experts sell you information but what you need is transformation. They teach how-to information but never provide the transformational skills necessary for you to act on that information and produce results in your life.
In short, they forgot the essential ingredient you need to succeed.
In Summary
Executive coaching provides many of the usual tools and instruction provided by other educational resources including and much more.
The difference is executive coaching takes all this a step further by helping you integrate all this instruction with your internal game – your thinking and habitual practices that convert all that knowledge into action so you produce tangible results. You won’t find this combination assembled in a single package anywhere else…
- You get the support and tools necessary to bridge the gap between desire and producing actual results. This includes a personalized success plan so that you know step-by-step what you need to do, accountability so that you do it with enough persistence to reach the goal, and process coaching so that you overcome the obstacles that would have previously derailed you.
- You get the benefit of an experienced mentor who has walked the path before you saving you time and money. Not only that, but with executive coaching you also benefit from the experience gained by all the clients who have walked the same path before you as well.
- Finally, with executive coaching you receive success education that is not tainted with hidden sales incentives or other conflicts of interest. Your executive coach’s only goal is to help you create fulfillment.
Consider this…
- Top athletes use performance coaches to stay on top of their game.
- Oscar winning actors use acting coaches.
- Award winning singers use voice coaches.
The reason is simple. Coaching provides a competitive advantage for professional athletes and business professionals alike.
Fast Company magazine reported that up to 40% of Fortune 500 companies hire coaches to improve their businesses. A study by the Manchester Review showed the output of executives involved in coaching programs averaged 5.7 times higher than the initial investment.
There is a reason why top performers in a wide variety of specialized fields employ coaches. It produces results.
Are you ready to put the same competitive advantage to work for you in building your life?